

process for staff

In our Living with COVID preparations and in compliance with public health directives, all staff must sign in and out at the terminals in Bisdee, Windsor Street and Korongee.

You are also required to register on the Check In Tas app and have a temperature check.

You will sign in as a visitor at first, a staff designation will follow soon. You do not have to wear the label.

The system will remember you at the second sign in, and the process will be quicker.

You can sign out at any terminal.

Korongee terminal is at reception, as usual.

Bisdee terminal will be at reception. Staff must enter and leave from reception, not any other door or building.

Windsor Street will have a new terminal at Barrett. Staff using the carpark must sign in and out here. Until its safe to move around freely, all other doors in the area will be locked.

The second terminal for Windsor Street is at reception. Staff must enter and leave from reception, not any other door, gate or building.

If you have any questions please email them to Janet, EA to the CEO [email protected]

Damien Jacobs
CEO Glenview Community Services