FAQ about the Consumer Advisory Body
Frequently asked questions about Consumer Advisory Body
What is the purpose of the Consumer Advisory Body?
Glenview will engage the assistance of the Consumer Advisory Body (the Body) to increase consumer, carer, and community participation across the services, including Residential Aged Care, Home Care, Commonwealth Home Support, and NDIS.
What are the two roles of the Consumer Advisory Body?
- To provide valuable feedback to and advise the Glenview Board of Directors (the Board) and to give consumers a voice about the integration of consumer, carer, and community views into all levels of operations, planning, and policy development.
- To identify and advise the Board on priority areas and issues requiring community engagement and aged care needs.
Who will make up the Consumer Advisory Body?
The Body will consist of a maximum of 8 members and include a representative from each service where possible.
The consumers appointed to the consumer advisory body are preferably people who can represent the view of the communities served by the Residential Aged Care and Home Care Services (including NDIS); who are not health practitioners or people currently or recently employed or engaged in the provision of Residential Aged Care Services and/or Home Care services.
Membership will comprise of:
- The Chair (appointed by the Board) must be a Board member.
- An additional Board member (appointed by the Board) who is likely to rotate with other board members.
- A majority of 5 current individuals from Glenview’s Residential Aged Care, Home Care, Community, and NDIS services who are age, gender, and culture diverse.
- Glenview’s Quality & Risk Manager.
How will the members be selected?
Following the expression of interest period, Consumer Advisory Body members will be selected based on their experience, location, and service and will be diverse in age, gender, and culture. A panel, with a non-executive and independent community member, will help with the screening process.
What qualifications do I need?
Members are required to comply with Glenview’s Confidentiality Policy and sign the Privacy Undertaking form, adhere to the Code of Conduct and other relevant Glenview policies and procedures.
What happens after the 12-month term?
After their first term, members will be asked to express interest in being reappointed for a second term. The Chair will make a recommendation to the Board for reappointment of interested members. If members do not wish to be reappointed the vacancy will be advertised in the community.
What authority will the Consumer Advisory Body have?
The powers of the Body are in an advisory capacity. The Body’s formal report and feedback to the Board is through the meeting minutes. The Body will also refer significant issues and recommendations to the Board for consideration.
How often will the Consumer Advisory Body meet?
The Body will meet a few times a year or as required, and carry out their work by completing surveys, reviewing draft documents, providing comments, completing phone interviews, or meeting online.
The Body will perform an annual evaluation of its performance, and terms of reference, and provide that information to the Board.
The Board will evaluate the performance of the Body annually, and a survey will be forwarded to members.
How will you manage my personal information?
When you submit your Expression of Interest form, we will collect and store your personal information in a secure database. Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. You can ask to be removed from the database at any time. We will only use the information in the database to invite you to participate in consultations as part of the Consumer Advisory Body. We will not use or disclose the information for any other purpose without your consent unless required by law.
Will you stay in touch with members regularly?
No. We will only contact you to participate in specific tasks.
I want to give my views on all matters. How can I add items to the agenda?
It may not be possible for the Consumer Advisory Body to cover every area of care. But if there are issues you are passionate about, please tell us in your Expression of Interest form and we will take this into account.